advanced yoga
Are you a seasoned yogi looking to try some advanced yoga? Well, we’ve put together some of the more advanced yoga poses for you. These poses should allow you to push yourself to reach the next level.
Remember to take deep breaths and listen to your body throughout the practice. Repeat the sequence as many times as desired, and modify the poses as needed to fit your individual needs.
Make sure to warm up properly before attempting this advanced yoga workout plan, and listen to your body throughout.
Sun Salutation
Start standing at the front of your mat with your hands in prayer position. Inhale and raise your arms overhead, then exhale and fold forward into a forward fold. Inhale and lift halfway, then exhale and step or jump back into plank pose. Lower down to the ground, then inhale and lift your chest into upward-facing dog. Exhale and push back into downward-facing dog. Hold for five breaths, then step or jump forward and repeat the sequence.
Surya Namaskar
Warrior II
From a standing position, step your left foot back and turn it out slightly. Bend your right knee deeply, keeping it directly over your ankle. Extend your arms out to the sides and gaze over your right fingertips. Hold for five breaths, then switch sides.
Virabhadrasana II
Triangle Pose
From Warrior II, straighten your right leg and reach your right hand down to your shin or a block as you lift your left arm up. Keep your hips squared and your gaze up at your left hand. Hold for five breaths, then switch sides.
Crow Pose
Start in a deep squat with your feet close together. Place your hands on the ground in front of you, with your fingers spread wide. Balance on your hands as you lift your feet off the ground and bring your knees to your armpits. Hold for five breaths, then release.
Begin on your hands and knees. Interlace your fingers and place your forearms on the ground, keeping your elbows shoulder-width apart. Place the crown of your head on the ground, then walk your feet in towards your head. Lift your legs up towards the ceiling and hold for five breaths.