pilates template for everyone
Have you ever wanted to give pilates a go, but don’t know where to start? Well, we’ve put together some of the basic pilates poses you'll need as a beginner. These poses should help develop a strong foundation for you to build on.
Remember to take deep breaths and listen to your body throughout the practice. Repeat the sequence as many times as desired, and modify the poses as needed to fit your individual needs.
The following exercises should take you around 20 minutes.
Deep Breathing
Lie down on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs with air. Exhale through your mouth, pushing all the air out. Repeat for 5-10 breaths.
Exercise 1
Pelvic Tilt
While still lying on your back, tilt your pelvis towards your belly button, then release. Repeat for 10 reps.
Exercise 2
The Hundred
Lie down on your back, raise your legs up to a 45-degree angle and lift your head, neck, and shoulders up off the mat. Begin pumping your arms up and down, inhaling for five pumps and exhaling for another five. Repeat for 100 pumps.
Exercise 3
Single Leg Circles
Lie down on your back with your arms by your sides. Lift one leg up to the ceiling, and with pointed toes, draw a circle on the ceiling with your leg. Keep your pelvis still, and repeat for 5 circles. Switch legs and repeat.
Exercise 4
Rolling Like a Ball
Sit up with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Grab onto your ankles and balance on your tailbone. Roll backward towards your shoulders, then back up, balancing on your tailbone. Repeat for 10 reps.
Exercise 5
Leg Pull Front
Start in a plank position. Lift your right leg up to the ceiling, and then lift your left arm up straight in front of you. Hold for 5 seconds, then lower back down. Repeat on the other side.
Exercise 6
The Swan
Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Inhale and lift your upper body up while keeping your legs on the ground. Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down.